auto.tfvars syntax for OKE Module
These are the syntax and sample format for providing inputs to the modules via *.auto.tfvars files. "key" must be unique to every resource that is created.Comments preceed with ##.
1. Clusters
- Syntax
clusters = {
## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
key = {
display_name = string
compartment_id = string
network_compartment_id = string
vcn_name = string
kubernetes_version = string
cni_type = string
is_kubernetes_dashboard_enabled = optional(bool)
is_tiller_enabled = optional(bool)
is_public_ip_enabled = optional(bool)
nsg_ids = optional(list(string))
endpoint_subnet_id = string
is_pod_security_policy_enabled = optional(bool)
pods_cidr = optional(string)
services_cidr = optional(string)
service_lb_subnet_ids = optional(list(string))
defined_tags = optional(map(any))
freeform_tags = optional(map(any))
- Example
// Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ############################ # Developer Services # OKE Cluster - tfvars ############################ clusters = { key = { display_name = "phn_cluster_dev" compartment_id = "App-Dev" network_compartment_id = "App-Network" vcn_name = "vcn-oke" kubernetes_version = "v1.24.0" cni_type = "OCI_VCN_IP_NATIVE" is_kubernetes_dashboard_enabled = false is_tiller_enabled = false is_public_ip_enabled = false nsg_ids = ["app-network-nsg-cp","app-network-nsg-lb"] endpoint_subnet_id = "endpoint-sn" is_pod_security_policy_enabled = true pods_cidr = "" services_cidr = "" service_lb_subnet_ids = ["loadbalancer-sn"] defined_tags = { Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn=2022-12-07T11:37:21.641Z, Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy=oracleidentitycloudservice/ } freeform_tags = { Department="Finance", CostCentre="xx1234" } }, ##Add New Cluster for phoenix here## }
2. Nodepools
- Syntax
nodepools = {
## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
key = {
display_name = string
cluster_name = string
compartment_id = string
network_compartment_id = string
vcn_name = string
node_shape = string
initial_node_labels = optional(map(any))
kubernetes_version = string
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = optional(bool)
availability_domain = number
subnet_id = string
size = number
cni_type = string
max_pods_per_node = optional(number)
pod_nsg_ids = optional(list(string))
pod_subnet_ids = optional(string)
worker_nsg_ids = optional(list(string))
memory_in_gbs = optional(number)
ocpus = optional(number)
image_id = string
source_type = string
boot_volume_size_in_gbs = optional(number)
ssh_public_key = optional(string)
node_defined_tags = optional(map(any))
node_freeform_tags = optional(map(any))
nodepool_defined_tags = optional(map(any))
nodepool_freeform_tags = optional(map(any))
- Example
// Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ############################ # Developer Services # OKE Nodepool - tfvars ############################ nodepools = { key = { display_name = "nodepool1" cluster_name = "cluster2" compartment_id = "AppDev" network_compartment_id = "Network" vcn_name = "prod-vcn" node_shape = "VM.Standard.E3.Flex" initial_node_labels = { label = "node1" } kubernetes_version = "v1.24.1" availability_domain = 2 subnet_id = "prod-app" size = 1 cni_type = "OCI_VCN_IP_NATIVE" max_pods_per_node = 31 pod_subnet_ids = "prod-app" worker_nsg_ids = ["prod-vcn-app-nsg"] memory_in_gbs = 32 ocpus = 1 image_id = "Oracle-Linux-8-6-2022-10-04-0-OKE-1-24-1-491" source_type = "IMAGE" boot_volume_size_in_gbs = 64 nodepool_defined_tags = { "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn"= "2023-01-10T04:29:33.383Z" , "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy"= "oracleidentitycloudservice/" } }, ##Add New nodepool for phoenix here## }