Connect container to OCI Tenancy - Multiple Prefixes
The toolkit allows independent management of multiple environments using the same container. This enables better resource control and custom configurations for each environment.
- With the toolkit release v2024.4.1, the toolkit supports executing with different values for prefix per container when using Jenkins.
Use Case
- Managing Multiple Environments (Prod, Non-Prod etc.,) as separate entities within a single container.
- Edit the file according to Connect CD3 Container to OCI. Use a unique prefix that differs from the ones used previously. Eg: demo_prod, demo_nonprod.
You can copy file as tenancyconfig_<prefix>.properties and edit this file instead of directly editing
This will help retain the input properties files used for different executions of the
- Different values can be specified for other parameters as well. For instance, one prefix can be configured to have multiple outdir structure for the generated terraform files, while another prefix can be set with a single outdir structure.
- Execute with modified or tenancyconfig_<prefix>.properties.
- After executing, the following screenshots show how the environment specific out directories look like when using the toolkit with CLI and with Jenkins.
Multi Prefix with CLI
In the container, folders named after the specified prefix values will be created under the /cd3user/tenancies directory. Each environment specific folder is created with its own unique configuration specified in above steps.
Multi Prefix with Jenkins
The Jenkins dashboard appears as follows when configured with two prefixes.
Check Important Note to enable jenkins for multiple prefixes.