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Commit Local changes to GIT


It is recommended to stick to using the toolkit either via CLI or via Jenkins.


The below process will push the updated files to the develop branch of the GIT Repository. Successful completion of the resource specific terraform-apply pipeline in Jenkins will update to the main branch.

There can be scenarios when updating the terraform_files folder manually via CLI is necessary. Below are some examples:

  • The setUpOCI script is executed to generate tfvars for some resources via CLI.
  • The variables_<region>.tf file is modified to update image OCID or SSH Key for Compute or Database etc.

Follow below steps to sync local terraform_files folder to OCI DevOps GIT Repo:

Step 1:

  cd /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/terraform_files
Step 2:
  git status
Below screenshot shows changes in file under phoenix/compute folder.

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 9 12 39 PM

Step 3:

 git add -A .
Step 4:
 git commit -m "msg"

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 9 13 35 PM

Step 5:

  git push

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 9 14 24 PM