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OCI Resource Manager Upload

This option will upload the created Terraform files & the tfstate (if present) to the OCI Resource Manager.

When prompted, specify the Region to create/upload the terraform files to Resource Manager Stack. Multiple regions can be specified as comma separated values. Specify 'global' to upload RPC related components which reside in 'global' directory.

On the next prompt, enter the Compartment where the Stack should be created if it is for the first time. The toolkit will create a Stack for the region specified previously under the specified compartment. For global resources, stack will be created in the home region.

The Stack created will use Terraform 1.0.x. The upload includes terraform.tfstate file as well, if present. This is to sync the OCI Resource Manager Stack to that of your outdir.

The toolkit also creates a rm_ocids.csv file in the outdir/<region_dir> which has the information on the Resource Manager stack that is created. The format of the data in rm_ocids.csv is as follows -



To use an existing Resource Manager stack, enter the details in the format provided above into the outdir/<region_dir>/rm_ocids.csv file.

Sample Execution:



If you are using remote state and upload the stack to OCI Resource Manager using Upload current terraform files/state to Resource Manager under Developer Services, then running terraform plan/apply from OCI Resource Manager will not work and show below error:

Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 11 38 54 PM

Remove from the directory, bring the remote state into local and then re-upload the stack. On choosing "Developer Services" in the SetUpOCI menu, choose "Upload current terraform files/state to Resource Manager" sub-option to upload the terraform outdir into OCI Resource Manager.