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CD3 Automation Toolkit

CD3 stands for Cloud Deployment Design Deliverable. The CD3 Automation toolkit enables you to effortlessly Build, Export and Manage OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastruture) resources by converting Excel templates to fully functional Terraform modules within minutes ⚡️⚡️ .

Additionally, the toolkit also supports seamless resource management using OCI DevOps GIT service and Jenkins Pipelines.

CD3 Toolkit Process

CD3 Toolkit Process

The toolkit supports 2 workflows:

1. Create & Manage Resources in OCI (Greenfield Workflow):

  • Use this workflow when there is empty OCI tenancy (or) need to create new resources without any requirement to modify / use any existing resources in tenancy.
  • The filled in input Excel file is fed to the toolkit and terraform tfvars files are generated for all resources.
  • Modifying the same excel sheet and re running the toolkit will generate modified terraform tfvars files.
  • The generated terraform files can be used to deploy resources in OCI by generating a terraform plan and approving the plan for apply.

2. Export & Manage Resources in OCI (Non-Greenfield Workflow):

  • Use this workflow when there is need to use / manage existing resources with terraform which have not been created using CD3. Export these existing resources into CD3 & TF State. Once the export is complete, switch to the create_resources (greenfield) workflow to create new or manage existing resources .
  • The input Excel (preferably the Blank template) is fed to the toolkit and resources are exported into CD3 Excel template.
  • The toolkit then generates tfvars from the exported data in Excel file and also generates shell scripts with terraform import commands for all the resources.
  • The shell scripts have to be executed in order to have the updated state file to manage the resources further.
  • Modifying the same excel sheet and re running the toolkit will generate modified terraform tfvars files.


CD3 Automation toolkit can be used either via CLI or Jenkins.

📖 Detailed documentation and videos are provided for both options. Check the left panel for navigation.