Steps to Upgrade Your Toolkit (For Existing Customers using older versions):
Upgrade to Release v2024.2.2 from v2024.2.x
Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying same path for
to keep using same outdir. -
Copy the contents of modules directory and .tf files from /cd3user/oci_tools/cd3_automation_toolkit/user-scripts/terraform_files/ to /cd3user/tenancies/
/terraform_files/<region_dir> . - Modify the connection parameters in the variables_<region>.tf file inside <region_dir>/<service_dir>.
Upgrade to Release v2024.2.0
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying new path for
to create a fresh outdir. - Use Non Greenfield workflow to export the required OCI services into new excel sheet and the tfvars. Run terraform import commands also.
- Once terraform is in synch, Switch to Greenfield workflow and use for any future modifications to the infra.
Upgrade to Release v2024.1.0
This is a major release with introduction of CI/CD using Jenkins.
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying new path for
to create a fresh outdir. - Use Non Greenfield workflow to export the required OCI services into new excel sheet and the tfvars. Run terraform import commands also.
- Once terraform is in synch, Switch to Greenfield workflow and use for any future modifications to the infra.
Upgrade to Release v12.1 from v12
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying same path for
to keep using same outdir. - Copy from /cd3user/oci_tools/cd3_automation_toolkit/user-scripts/terraform_files/ to /cd3user/tenancies/
/terraform_files/ ./ - Copy the contents of modules directory from /cd3user/oci_tools/cd3_automation_toolkit/user-scripts/terraform_files/modules/ to /cd3user/tenancies/
/terraform_files/ . - Copy the sddcs variable block from /cd3user/oci_tools/cd3_automation_toolkit/user-scripts/terraform_files/ and replace it in the variables_\
.tf file
Upgrade to Release v12
Upgrade to Release v11.1 from v11
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying same path for
to keep using same 1. Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying new path for to create a fresh outdir. - Use Non Greenfield workflow to export the required OCI services into new excel sheet and the tfvars. Run terraform import commands also.
- Once terraform is in synch, Switch to Greenfield workflow and use for any future modifications to the infra.outdir.
Upgrade to Release v11
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying new path for
to create a fresh outdir. - Use Non Greenfield workflow to export the required OCI services into new excel sheet and the tfvars. Run terraform import commands also.
- Once terraform is in synch, Switch to Greenfield workflow and use for any future modifications to the infra.
Upgrade to Release v10.2 from v10.1
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying same path for
to keep using same outdir. - There are minor upgrades to terraform modules. In order to use the latest modules, copy the contents(modules directory and all .tf files from /cd3user/oci_tools/cd3_automation_toolkit/user-scripts/terraform to /cd3user/tenancies/
/terraform_files/ . Move existing variables_\<region>.tf to some backup and Copy OCI Connect Variables block from this file into file and rename it to variables_\<region>.tf
Upgrade to Release v10.1 from v10
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying same path for
to keep using same outdir. - There are minor upgrades to terraform modules. In order to use the latest modules, copy the contents(modules directory and all .tf files except from /cd3user/oci_tools/cd3_automation_toolkit/user-scripts/terraform to /cd3user/tenancies/
/terraform_files/ . - Execute terraform init -upgrade from outdir
- If you had utilized 'Upload current terraform files/state to Resource Manager' option under 'Developer Services' to upload terraform stack to Resource Manager for v10, then you must copy existing 'rm_ocids.csv' file from /cd3user/tenancies/
/terraform_files/ to /cd3user/tenancies//terraform_files/ before using this option again with v10.1. - Changes to the CD3 excel sheet templates include correction of the dropdowns for all tabs, few changes in Policies tab wrt policy statements. So users can keep using the v10 templates.
- The new release supports a separate directory for each service. In order to use this feature for existing customers, execute using a new outdir with 'outdir_structure_file' parameter set and then run export of the tenanncy into this new outdir using Non Greenfield workflow.
Upgrade to Release v10 from v9.2.1
- Follow the steps in Launch Docker Container to build new image with latest code and launch the container by specifying same path for
to keep using same outdir. - Use new excel sheet templates to use OKE and SCH.
- For existing services, user can continue using existing outdir.