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auto.tfvars syntax for Storage Module

These are the syntax and sample format for providing inputs to the modules via *.auto.tfvars files. "key" must be unique to every resource that is created. Comments preceed with ##.

1. Block Volumes

  • Syntax
    blockvolumes = {
            ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
            key = {
                    # Required
                    availability_domain       = string
                    compartment_id            = string
                    display_name              = string

                    # Optional
                    size_in_gbs               = string
                    is_auto_tune_enabled      = string
                    vpus_per_gb               = string
                    kms_key_id                = string
                    attach_to_instance        = string
                    attachment_type           = string
                    backup_policy             = string
                    policy_compartment_id     = string
                    device                    = string
                    encryption_in_transit_type= string
                    attachment_display_name   = string
                    is_read_only              = bool
                    is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = bool
                    is_shareable              = bool
                    use_chap                  = bool
                    defined_tags              = map
                    freeform_tags             = map
  • Example
        // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
        # Block Volumes
        # Block Volumes - tfvars
        # Allowed Values:
        # compartment_id and policy_compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
        # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
        # Sample import command for block volume:
        # terraform import "module.block-volumes[\"<<blockvolumes terraform variable name>>\"].oci_core_volume.block_volume" <<block volume ocid>>
        # terraform import "module.block-volumes[\"<<blockvolumes terraform variable name>>\"].oci_core_volume_attachment.block_vol_instance_attachment[0]" <<block volume attachment ocid>>
        # terraform import "module.block-volumes[\"<<blockvolumes terraform variable name>>\"].oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment.volume_backup_policy_assignment[0]" <<block volume policy assignment ocid>>
        blockvolumes = {
            block01 =  {
                # Required
                availability_domain  = 0
                compartment_id       = "AppDev"
                display_name         = "block01"
                # Optional
                size_in_gbs          = 100
                defined_tags = {
                    "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn"= "2021-10-20T15:03:19.457Z" ,
                    "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy"= "oracleidentitycloudservice/"
           block02 =  {
                # Required
                availability_domain  = 0
                compartment_id       = "AppDev"
                display_name         = "block02"
                # Optional
                size_in_gbs          = 500
                attach_to_instance = "server01"
                attachment_type = "iscsi"
                backup_policy          = "gold"
                is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = "false"
                defined_tags = {
                    "Operations.os"= "Linux" ,
                    "Organization.department"= "Administrators" ,
                    "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy"= "oracleidentitycloudservice/" ,
                    "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn"= "2021-09-16T19:59:21.745Z" ,

2. Buckets

  • Syntax
  buckets = {
    Bucket Name = {
                  compartment_id        = string
                  name                  = string
                  access_type           = string
                  auto_tiering          = string
                  object_events_enabled = bool
                  storage_tier          = string
                  retention_rules =[
                      display_name    = string
                      duration = [{
                          time_amount = int,
                          time_unit   = string
                      time_rule_locked = string
                  replication_policy = {
                      name                    = string
                      destination_bucket_name = string
                      destination_region_name = string
                  lifecycle_policy = {
                      rules = [
                                name        = string
                                action      = string
                                is_enabled  = bool
                                Time_Amount = int
                                Time_Unit   = string
                                target      = string
                                exclusion_patterns = [string]
                                inclusion_patterns = [string]
                                inclusion_prefixes = [string]
                  versioning          = string
                  defined_tags = {}
                  freeform_tags = {}
  • Example
      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Object Storage Service
      # Object Storage - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
      # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
      # Sample import commands:
      # importCommands[region.lower()].write(f'\nterraform import "module.oss-buckets[\\"{variable name of the bucket}\\"].oci_objectstorage_bucket.bucket" 'f'n/{namespace name}/b/{bucket name}')
      # importCommands[region.lower()].write(f'\nterraform import "module.oss-buckets[\\"{variable name of the bucket}\\"].oci_objectstorage_replication_policy.replication_policy[0]" 'f'n/{namespace name}/b/{bucket name}/replicationPolicies/{replication policy id}')
      # importCommands[region.lower()].write(f'\nterraform import "module.oss-buckets[\\"{variable name of the bucket}\\"].oci_objectstorage_object_lifecycle_policy.lifecycle_policy" 'f'n/{namespace name}/b/{bucket name}/l')
      buckets = {
              Test_Bucket =  {
                      compartment_id        = "Test"
                      name                  = "Test_Bucket"
                      access_type           = "NoPublicAccess"
                      auto_tiering          = "Disabled"
                      object_events_enabled = "true"
                      storage_tier          = "Standard"
                      retention_rules =[
                          display_name    = "RT_Rule"
                          duration = [{
                              time_amount = 1,
                              time_unit   = "DAYS"
                          time_rule_locked = "2023-05-30T15:04:05Z"
                          display_name    = "RT_Rule1"
                          duration = [{
                              time_amount = 2,
                              time_unit   = "DAYS"
                          time_rule_locked = "2023-05-30T15:04:05Z"
                      replication_policy = {
                          name                    = "Test"
                          destination_bucket_name = "bucket1"
                          destination_region_name = "uk-london-1"
                      lifecycle_policy = {
                          rules = [
                                    name        = "Policy1"
                                    action      = "ARCHIVE"
                                    is_enabled  = "true"
                                    Time_Amount = 1
                                    Time_Unit   = "YEARS"
                                    target      = "objects"
                                    exclusion_patterns = [".pdf"]
                                    inclusion_patterns = []
                                    inclusion_prefixes = []
                      versioning          = "Disabled"
                      defined_tags = {}
                      freeform_tags = {}
      ##Add New OSS Buckets for phoenix here##