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auto.tfvars syntax for Security Module

These are the syntax and sample format for providing inputs to the modules via *.auto.tfvars files. "key" must be unique to every resource that is created. Comments preceed with ##.

1. Cloud Guard Configs

  • Syntax
  cloud_guard_configs = {
  ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
      key = {
         # Required
         compartment_id         = string
         reporting_region       = string
         status                 = string

         # Optional
         self_manage_resources  = string
  • Example
        // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
        # Security
        # Create Cloud Guard and Alerts
        # Allowed Values:
        # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
        # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
        # status : Valid values are DISABLED, ENABLED
        cloud_guard_configs = {
            CD3-cloud_guard = {
                    compartment_id = "root"
                    reporting_region = "us-phoenix-1"
                    status = "ENABLED"
                    self_manage_resources = false
        ##Add New Cloud Guard Configurations for phoenix here##

2. Cloud Guard Targets

  • Syntax

        cloud_guard_targets = {
        ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
            key = {
              # Required
              compartment_id      = string
              display_name        = string
              target_resource_id  = string
              target_resource_type= string
              # Optional
              state               = string
              description         = string
              target_detector_recipes  = [{
                    detector_recipe_id = string
              target_responder_recipes = [{
                    responder_recipe_id = string
              freeform_tags            = map
              defined_tags             = map

  • Example

       // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
        # Security
        # Create Cloud Guard and Alerts
        # Allowed Values:
        # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
        # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
        # target-resource-type : Valid values are COMPARTMENT, ERPCLOUD, HCMCLOUD.
        cloud_guard_targets = {
            CD3-cloudguard-target = {
                    compartment_id = "root"
                    display_name = "CD3-cloudguard-target"
                    target_resource_id = "root"
                    target_resource_type = "COMPARTMENT"
                    target_detector_recipes = [
                    detector_recipe_id = "OCI_Activity_Detector_Recipe"
                    detector_recipe_id = "OCI_Configuration_Detector_Recipe"
                    detector_recipe_id = "OCI_Threat_Detector_Recipe"
                    target_responder_recipes = [
                    responder_recipe_id = "OCI_Responder_Recipe"
        ##Add New Cloud Guard Targets for phoenix here##

3. Vault

  • Syntax
  vaults = {
  ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
      key = {
         # Required
         compartment_id         = string
         display_name           = string
         vault_type             = string

         # Optional
         defined_tags           = map
         freeform_tags          = map
  • Example
        // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
        # Security
        # Create KMS Vault and Key
        # Allowed Values:
        # compartment_id and network_compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
        # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
        vaults = {
            CD3-phoenix-kms-vault = {
                    compartment_id = "Security"
                    display_name = "CD3-phoenix-kms-vault"
                    vault_type = "DEFAULT"
        ##Add New Vaults for phoenix here##

4. Keys

  • Syntax
  keys = {
  ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
      key = {
         # Required
         compartment_id         = string
         display_name           = string
         management_endpoint    = string

         # Optional
         defined_tags           = map
         freeform_tags          = map
         algorithm              = string
         length                 = number
         protection_mode        = string
  • Example
      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
        # Security
        # Create KMS Vault and Key
        # Allowed Values:
        # compartment_id and network_compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
        # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
        # length : AES: 16, 24, or 32, RSA: 256, 384, or 512, ECDSA: 32, 48, or 66
        keys = {
            CD3-phoenix-kms-key = {
                    compartment_id = "Security"
                    display_name = "CD3-phoenix-kms-key"
                    management_endpoint = "CD3-phoenix-kms-vault"
                    algorithm = ""
        ##Add New Keys for phoenix here##