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auto.tfvars syntax for Load Balancer Module

These are the syntax and sample format for providing inputs to the modules via *.auto.tfvars files. "key" must be unique to every resource that is created. Comments preceed with ##.

1. Load Balancers (LBR)

  • Syntax
  load_balancers = {
      ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
      key = {
          # Required
          compartment_id             = string
          vcn_id                     = string
          shape                      = string
          subnet_ids                 = list
          network_compartment_id     = string
          display_name               = string

          # Optional
          shape_details              = list(map)
          nsg_ids                    = list
          is_private                 = bool
          ip_mode                    = string
          reserved_ips_id            = string
          defined_tags               = map
          freeform_tags              = map
  • Example
        // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
        # Network
        # Load Balancers - tfvars
        # Allowed values:
        # vcn_name and subnet_names must be the names of the VCN and Subnets as per OCI respectively
        # compartment_id and network_compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
        # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
        # ip_mode can be one of IPV4 or IPV6
        # shape can be one of 100Mbps|10Mbps|10Mbps-Micro|400Mbps|8000Mbps|flexible
        # reserved_ips_id accepts OCID (to use the existing reserved IP) or 'Y' to create a new Reserved IP or 'N' for Ephemeral IP; Defaults to "".
        # Sample import command for Load Balancers:
        # terraform import "module.load-balancers[\"<<load_balancers terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_load_balancer.load_balancer" <<loadbalancer ocid>>
        load_balancers = {
            lbr1 = {
                # Required
                display_name = "lbr1"
                compartment_id = "AppDev"
                shape = "flexible"
                network_compartment_id = "Network"
                vcn_id = "fwl-vcn"
                subnet_ids =  ["fwl-pub"]
                # Optional
                is_private = false
                reserved_ips_id = "N"
                ip_mode = "IPV4"
                shape_details = [{
                    maximum_bandwidth_in_mbps = 150
                    minimum_bandwidth_in_mbps = 100
                freeform_tags = {
            lbr2 = {
                # Required
                display_name = "lbr2"
                compartment_id = "AppDev"
                shape = "100Mbps"
                network_compartment_id = "Network"
                vcn_id = "fwl-vcn"
                subnet_ids =  ["fwl-pub"]
                # Optional
                reserved_ips_id = "N"
                ip_mode = "IPV4"
        ##Add New Load Balancers for london here##

2. Hostname

  • Syntax

       hostnames = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
              # Required
              load_balancer_id           = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform
              hostname                   = string
              name                       = string

  • Example

        // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
        # Network
        # Hostname - tfvars
        # Allowed Values:
        # load_balancer_id can be the ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
        # Sample import command for Hostname:
        # terraform import "module.hostnames[\"<<hostnames terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_hostname.hostname" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/hostnames/<<hostname>>
        hostnames = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          lbr1_lbr01_hostname = {
            # Required
            name               = "lbr01"
            load_balancer_id   = "lbr1"
            hostname           = "lbrhostname01"

3. Load Balancer Reserved IP

  • Syntax

       lbr_reserved_ips = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
         key = {
              # Required
              compartment_id           = string
              display_name             = string
              lifetime                 = string
              # Optional
              private_ip_id            = string
              public_ip_pool_id        = string
              lifetime                 = string
              defined_tags             = map
              freeform_tags            = map

  • Example

  // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
  # Network
  # Create Reserved IPs for Load Balancers
  # Allowed Values:
  # lifetime can be EPHEMERAL or RESERVED
  # private_ip_id and public_ip_pool_id can be the ocids or the key of private_ips (map) and public_ip_pools (map) respectively
  # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--"
  # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment
  lbr_reserved_ips = {
     ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
     lbr2-reserved-ip = {

          # Required
          compartment_id = "OMCDev--OMCDev-VM"
          display_name   = "lbr2-reserved-ip"
          lifetime       = "RESERVED"

          defined_tags = {
               "Operations.os"= "Linux" ,
               "Organization.department"= "Administrators" ,
  ##Add New Load Balancer Reserved IPs for london here##

4. Certificates

  • Syntax

      certificates = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
              # Required
              certificate_name           = string
              load_balancer_id           = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform
              # Optional
              ca_certificate             = string
              passphrase                 = string
              private_key                = string
              public_certificate         = string

  • Example

      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Network
      # Certificates - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # load_balancer_id can be ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
      # Sample import command for Certificates:
      # terraform import "module.certificates[\"<<certificates terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_certificate.certificate" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/certificates/<<certificate name>>
      certificates = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
         lbr1_cert = {
           # Required
           certificate_name = "lbr-cert"
           load_balancer_id = "lbr1"
           # Optional
           ca_certificate     = "abc-selfsigned.key"
           private_key        = "abc-selfsigned.key"
           public_certificate = "abc-selfsigned.crt"
         lbr2_cert = {
            # Required
            certificate_name  = "lbr2-cert"
            load_balancer_id   = "lbr2"
            # Optional
            ca_certificate     = "def-ca-certificate.cert"
            public_certificate = "def-cert-public-certificate.cert"
      ##Add New Certificates for london here##

5. Cipher Suites

  • Syntax

      cipher_suites = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
              # Required
              ciphers          = list(string)
              name             = string
              load_balancer_id = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform

  • Example

      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Network
      # Cipher Suites - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # load_balancer_id can be ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
      # Sample import command for Cipher Suites:
      # terraform import "module.cipher-suites[\"<<cipher_suites terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_ssl_cipher_suite.ssl_cipher_suite" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/sslCipherSuites/<<cipher suite name>>
      cipher_suites = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          lbr1_testcipher = {
               # Required
               ciphers          = ["AES128-SHA"]
               name             = "testcipher"
               load_balancer_id = "lbr1"
      ##Add New Ciphers for london here##

6. Backend Sets

  • Syntax

      backend_sets = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
            # Required
            name                        = string
            load_balancer_id            = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform
            policy                      = string
            # Optional 
            protocol                   = string
            interval_ms                = string
            port                       = string
            response_body_regex        = string
            retries                    = string
            return_code                = string
            timeout_in_millis          = string
            url_path                   = string
            lb_cookie_session          = [{
              cookie_name        = string
              disable_fallback   = string
              path               = string
              domain             = string
              is_http_only       = string
              is_secure          = string
              max_age_in_seconds = string
            session_persistence_configuration       = [{
              cookie_name      = string
              disable_fallback = string
            certificate_name         = string # Key of certificate created by terraform
            cipher_suite_name        = string # Key of cipher suite created by terraform or default cipher suite name
            ssl_configuration        = [{
              certificate_ids        = list
              server_order_preference= string
              trusted_certificate_authority_ids = list
              verify_peer_certificate = string
              verify_depth            = string
              protocols               = list

  • Example

      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Network
      # Backend Sets - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # load_balancer_id can be ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
      # protocols in ssl configuration defaults to "TLSv1","TLSv1.1","TLSv1.2"
      # Sample import command for Backend Sets:
      # terraform import "module.backend-sets[\"<<backend_sets terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_backend_set.backend_set" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/backendSets/<<backendset name>>
      backend_sets = {
         lbr2_bs01 = {
             # Required
             name = "bs01"
             load_balancer_id = "lbr2"
             policy = "ROUND_ROBIN"
             # Optional
             protocol = "HTTP"
             interval_ms = "10000"
             port = "90"
             url_path = "/"
             session_persistence_configuration = [{
                 cookie_name = "test"
                 disable_fallback = "true"
         lbr1_bset01 = {
             # Required
             name = "bset01"
             load_balancer_id = "lbr1"
             policy = "ROUND_ROBIN"
             # Optional
             protocol = "HTTP"
             interval_ms = "10000"
             port = "80"
             url_path = "/"
             certificate_name = "lbr1_cert"
             cipher_suite_name = "oci-wider-compatible-ssl-cipher-suite-v1"
             ssl_configuration  = [{
                 verify_peer_certificate = true
                 verify_depth = 1
                 protocols = [ "TLSv1.2","TLSv1","TLSv1.1", ]
      ##Add New Backend Sets for london here##

7. Backends

  • Syntax

      backends = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
              # Required
              backendset_name  = string # Key of backend sets created by terraform
              ip_address       = string
              load_balancer_id = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform
              port             = string
              # Optional
              instance_compartment = string
              backup               = string
              drain                = string
              offline              = string
              weight               = string

  • Example

      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Network
      # Backends - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # backendset_name must be the key of backend_sets (map)
      # load_balancer_id can be ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
      # Sample import command for Backend Sets:
      # terraform import "module.backends[\"<<backends terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_backend.backend" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/backendSets/<<backendset name>>/backends/<<backend server name or ip>>:<<port>>
      backends = {
         lbr2_bs01_c10-218-3-7-1 = {
             # Required
             backendset_name = "lbr2_bs01"
             load_balancer_id = "lbr2"
             ip_address = "IP:" # Format -->  "IP:<ip_address>" or "NAME:<server_name>"
             port = "80"
             # Optional
             backup = "false"
         lbr1_bset01_c192-9-88-40-1 = {
             # Required
             backendset_name = "lbr1_bset01"
             load_balancer_id = "lbr1"
             ip_address = "IP:" # Format -->  "IP:<ip_address>" or "NAME:<server_name>"
             port = "80"
             # Optional
             backup = "false"
      ##Add New Backends for london here##

8. Rule Sets

  • Syntax

      rule_sets = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
             # Required
             name                     = string
             load_balancer_id         = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform
             # Optional
             access_control_rules     = [{
                 # Required
                 action          = string
                 # Optional
                 attribute_name  = string
                 attribute_value = string
                 description     = string
             }] (OR)
             access_control_method_rules = [{
                 # Required
                 action           = string
                 # Optional
                 allowed_methods  = list
                 status_code      = string
             }] (OR)
             http_header_rules        = [{
                 # Required
                 action           = string
                 # Optional
                 action   = string
                 are_invalid_characters_allowed  = bool
                 http_large_header_size_in_kb    = string
             }] (OR)
             uri_redirect_rules       = [{
                 # Required
                 action           = string
                 # Optional
                 attribute_name   = string
                 attribute_value  = string
                 operator         = string
                 host             = string
                 path             = string
                 port             = string
                 protocol         = string
                 query            = string
                 response_code    = string
             }] (OR)
             request_response_header_rules = [{
                 # Required
                 action           = string
                 # Optional
                 header           = string
                 prefix           = string
                 suffix           = string
                 value            = string

  • Example

      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Network
      # Rule Set - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # load_balancer_id can be the ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
      # Sample import command for Rule Set:
      # terraform import "module.rule-sets[\"<<rule_sets terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_rule_set.rule_set" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/ruleSets/<<rule set name>>
      rule_sets = {
         lbr1_test = {
             # Required
             name = "test"
             load_balancer_id = "lbr1"
             # Optional
             access_control_rules = [
                 action = "ALLOW"
                 attribute_name = "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS"
                 attribute_value = ""
                 action = "ALLOW"
                 attribute_name = "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS"
                 attribute_value = ""
         ## Add_access_control_rules_here_for_lbr1_test ##
             access_control_method_rules = [
                 action = "CONTROL_ACCESS_USING_HTTP_METHODS"
                 allowed_methods = ["ACL","BIND","CHECKIN","CONNECT"]
                 status_code = "405"
         ## Add_access_control_method_rules_here_for_lbr1_test ##
             http_header_rules = [
                 action = "HTTP_HEADER"
                 are_invalid_characters_allowed = true
                 http_large_header_size_in_kb = 64
         ## Add_http_header_rules_here_for_lbr1_test ##
             uri_redirect_rules = [
                 action = "REDIRECT"
                 attribute_name = "PATH"
                 attribute_value = "/"
                 operator = "PREFIX_MATCH"
                 host = ""
                 path = "/"
                 port = "80"
                 protocol = "http"
                 query = "?{query}"
                 response_code = "302"
         ## Add_uri_redirect_rules_here_for_lbr1_test ##
             request_response_header_rules = [
                 action = "EXTEND_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE"
                 header = "head"
                 prefix = "pre"
                 suffix = "suf"
                 action = "REMOVE_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER"
                 header = "fri"
         ## Add_request_response_header_rules_here_for_lbr1_test ##
      ##Add New Rule Sets for london here##

9. Path Route Sets

  • Syntax

      path_route_sets = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
              # Required
              name             = string
              load_balancer_id = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform
              path_routes      = [{
                 backend_set_name = string # Key of backend sets created by terraform
                 path             = string
                 match_type       = string

  • Example

      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Network
      # Path Route Set - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # load_balancer_id can be the ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
      # Sample import command for Path Route Set:
      # terraform import "module.path-route-sets[\"<<path_route_sets terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_path_route_set.path_route_set" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/pathRouteSets/<<path route set name>>
      path_route_sets = {
        lbr1_prt = {
             # Required
             load_balancer_id = "lbr1"
             name = "prt"
             path_routes = [
                 backend_set_name = "bset01"
                 path = "find"
                 match_type = "PREFIX_MATCH"
                 backend_set_name = "bset01"
                 path = "word"
                 match_type = "FORCE_LONGEST_PREFIX_MATCH"
                 backend_set_name = "bset01"
                 path = "hello"
                 match_type = "SUFFIX_MATCH"
        lbr2_prs01 = {
             # Required
             load_balancer_id = "lbr2"
             name = "prs01"
             path_routes = [
                 backend_set_name = "bs01"
                 path = "find"
                 match_type = "FORCE_LONGEST_PREFIX_MATCH"
                 backend_set_name = "bs01"
                 path = "word"
                 match_type = "PREFIX_MATCH"
      ##Add New Path Route Sets for london here##

10. Listeners

  • Syntax

      listeners = {
          ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
          key = {
              # Required
              name             = string
              load_balancer_id = string # Key of load balancer created by terraform
              port             = string
              protocol         = string
              default_backend_set_name   = string
              # Optional
              path_route_set_name = string
              routing_policy_name = string
              certificate_name    = string # Key of certificate created by terraform
              cipher_suite_name   = string # Key of cipher suite created by terraform
              connection_configuration = [{
                 idle_timeout_in_seconds = string
                 backend_tcp_proxy_protocol_version = string
              hostname_names   = list
              rule_set_names   = list
              ssl_configuration      = [{
                 certificate_ids = list  # Oracle Managed Certificate IDs
                 server_order_preference  = string
                 trusted_certificate_authority_ids = list # Oracle Managed trusted_certificate_authority_ids
                 verify_peer_certificate  = string
                 verify_depth             = string
                 protocols                = list

  • Example

      // Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
      # Network
      # Listeners - tfvars
      # Allowed Values:
      # HTTPS listener must have the protocol specified as HTTP
      # protocols in ssl configuration defaults to "TLSv1.2"
      # load_balancer_id can be the ocid or the key of load_balancers (map)
      # default_backend_set_name,hostname_names,path_route_set_name,rule_set_names,cipher_suite_name,certificate_name must be the key of the respective maps
      # Sample import command for Listeners:
      # terraform import "module.listeners[\"<<listeners terraform variable name>>\"].oci_load_balancer_listener.listener" loadBalancers/<<loadbalancer ocid>>/listeners/<<listener name>>
      listeners = {
         lbr1_lis = {
             # Required
             name = "lis"
             load_balancer_id = "lbr1"
             port = "80"
             protocol = "HTTP"
             default_backend_set_name = "lbr1_bset01"
             # Optional
             connection_configuration = [{
                 idle_timeout_in_seconds = "7000"
             hostname_names = ["lbr1_lbr01_hostname"]
             path_route_set_name = "lbr1_prt"
             rule_set_names = []
      ##Add New Listeners for london here##