auto.tfvars syntax for Governance Module
These are the syntax and sample format for providing inputs to the modules via *.auto.tfvars files. "key" must be unique to every resource that is created. Comments preceed with ##.
1. Tag Namespaces
- Syntax
tag_namespaces = {
## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
key = {
# Required
compartment_id = string
description = string
name = string
# Optional
defined_tags = map
freeform_tags = map
is_retired = boolean
- Example
############################ # Governance # Create Tag Namespaces # Allowed Values: # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--" # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment ############################ tag_namespaces = { ArchitectureCenter--cis-oci-landing-zone-quickstart-managed = { # Required compartment_id = "root" description = "CIS Landing Zone tag namespace for OCI Architecture Center." name = "ArchitectureCenter\\cis-oci-landing-zone-quickstart-managed" }, Oracle-Tags = { # Required compartment_id = "root" description = "The namespace for the automatic tags." name = "Oracle-Tags" }, OracleInternalReserved = { # Required compartment_id = "root" description = "Oracle Internal Reserved Tags for workload classification" name = "OracleInternalReserved" }, }
2. Tag Keys
- Syntax
tag_keys = {
## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
key = {
# Required
tag_namespace_id = string
description = string
name = string
# Optional
defined_tags = map
freeform_tags = map
is_cost_tracking = boolean
is_retired = boolean
validator = {
validator_type = string
validator_values = list
- Example
############################ # Governance # Create Tag Keys # Allowed Values: # tag_namespace_id can be the ocid or the key of tag_namespaces (map) ############################ tag_keys = { ArchitectureCenter--cis-oci-landing-zone-quickstart-managed_release = { tag_namespace_id = "ArchitectureCenter--cis-oci-landing-zone-quickstart-managed" description = "CIS Landing Zone tag for OCI Architecture Center." name = "release" is_cost_tracking = false }, Oracle-Tags_CreatedBy = { tag_namespace_id = "Oracle-Tags" description = "The name of the principal that created the resource." name = "CreatedBy" is_cost_tracking = true }, Oracle-Tags_CreatedOn = { tag_namespace_id = "Oracle-Tags" description = "The date and time that the resource was created." name = "CreatedOn" is_cost_tracking = false }, Oracle-Tags_TestTag = { tag_namespace_id = "Oracle-Tags" description = "test" name = "TestTag" is_cost_tracking = false validator = [{ validator_type = "ENUM" validator_values = ["hey hi","my tag","value 1"] }] }, }
3. Tag Defaults
- Syntax
tag_defaults = {
## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
key = {
# Required
compartment_id = string
tag_definition_id = string
value = string
# Optional
is_required = bool
- Example
############################ # Governance # Create Default Tags # Allowed Values: # tag_definition_id can be the ocid or the key of tag_definitions (map) # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--" # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment ######################################################## tag_defaults = { Oracle-Tags_CreatedBy_root-default = { # Required tag_definition_id = "Oracle-Tags_CreatedBy" compartment_id = "root" value = "$${}" }, Oracle-Tags_CreatedOn_root-default = { # Required tag_definition_id = "Oracle-Tags_CreatedOn" compartment_id = "root" value = "$${oci.datetime}" }, }
4. Budgets
- Syntax
budgets = {
## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
key = {
amount = string
compartment_id = string
reset_period = string
budget_processing_period_start_offset = number
defined_tags = map
description = string
display_name = string
freeform_tags = map
processing_period_type = string
target_type = string
targets = list
5. Alert Rule// Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ############################ # Governance # Create Budgets # Allowed Values: # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--" # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment # processing_period_type : Valid values are INVOICE and MONTH. # target_type : Valid values are COMPARTMENT and TAG # targets : list of compartment OCIDs or list of cost tracking tag identifiers in the form of "{tagNamespace}.{tagKey}.{tagValue}" ############################ budgets = { CD3-main-budget = { compartment_id = "root" amount = 10 reset_period = "MONTHLY" description = "Tracks spending from the root compartment and down" budget_processing_period_start_offset = "1" display_name = "CD3-main-budget" target_type = "COMPARTMENT" targets = ["root"] }, }
budget_alert_rules = { ## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively key = { #Required budget_id = string threshold = string threshold_type = string type = string #Optional defined_tags = map description = string display_name = string freeform_tags = map message = string recipients = string }, }
// Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ############################ # Governance # Create Budget Alert Rules # Allowed Values: # compartment_id can be the ocid or the name of the compartment hierarchy delimited by double hiphens "--" # Example : compartment_id = "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaahwwiefb56epvdlzfic6ah6jy3xf3c" or compartment_id = "Network-root-cpt--Network" where "Network-root-cpt" is the parent of "Network" compartment ############################ budget_alert_rules = { CD3-main-budget_alert_rule = { budget_id = "CD3-main-budget" type = "FORECAST" threshold = "50" threshold_type = "PERCENTAGE" description = "Budget Alert Rule" display_name = "CD3-main-budget_alert_rule" }, }