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Provisioning of multiple services together


For services that require network details, such as compute, database, and load balancers, the 'network' terraform-apply pipeline must be executed before launching the service pipeline, as explained below.

  • Multiple options can be selected simultaneously while creating resources in OCI using setUpOCI pipeline . In scenarios where one service depends on another service's availability, such as 'Network' (Create Network) and 'Compute' (Add Instances), the terraform-apply pipeline for compute will fail. Check the below image.


  • Clicking on 'Logs' for Stage: sanjose/compute and clicking on the pipeline will dispay below -


  • Clicking on 'Logs' for Stage Terraform Plan displays -


  • This is expected because pipeline for 'compute' expects network to be already existing in OCI to launch a new instance.

  • To resolve this, Proceed with terraform-apply pipeline for 'network' and once it is successfuly completed, trigger terraform-apply pipeline for 'compute' manually by clicking on 'Build Now' from left menu.
