Connect container to OCI Tenancy
- With the toolkit release v2024.1.0, the toolkit supports only a single customer_name per container when using Jenkins.
- When a new region is subscribed to the tenancy, rerun by using the same file that was originally used. It will create new directory for the new region under
without touching the existing ones and will commit the latest terraform_files folder to DevOps GIT repo.
Step 1 - Login (Exec) into the Container:
- Login to the previously launched container using either RM Stack or Manual Launch.
Step 2 - Choose Authentication Mechanism for OCI SDK
- Click here to configure any one of the available authentication mechanisms.
Step 3 - Edit
Fill the input parameters in
Parameter Description
Parameter | Description | Example |
customer_name | Friendly name for the Customer Tenancy | demo |
tenancy_ocid | OCID of the tenancy | ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaa...5t |
region | OCI Region identifier | us-phoenix-1 |
auth_mechanism | Auth Mechanism for OCI APIs | api_key, instance_principal, session_token |
user_ocid | Required only if ${auth_mechanism} is selected as api_key. Leave empty if 'instance_principal' or 'session_token' is used | ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaa...6a |
key_path | Required only if ${auth_mechanism} is selected as api_key. Leave empty if 'instance_principal' or 'session_token' is used. Path of API Private Key (PEM Key) File | Defaults to /cd3user/tenancies/keys/oci_api_private.pem when left empty |
fingerprint | Required only if ${auth_mechanism} is selected as api_key. Leave empty if 'instance_principal' or 'session_token' is used | 9f:20:0b:....:8c |
outdir_structure_file | The outdir_structure_file defines the grouping of the terraform for the various generated resources.To group resources into different directories within each region - specify the absolute path to the file.To have all the files generated in a single directory in the corresponding region, leave this variable blank. | Defaults to /cd3user/oci_tools/cd3_automation_toolkit/user-scripts/ |
ssh_public_key | SSH Key for launched instances; Use '\n' as the delimiter to add multiple ssh keys. | "ssh-rsa AAXXX......yhdlo\nssh-rsa AAxxskj...edfwf" |
Advanced Parameters - Fill this to use toolkit with Jenkins
Parameter | Description | Example |
compartment_ocid | Compartment OCID where Bucket and DevOps Project/repo will be created; defaults to root if left empty. | |
use_remote_state | Remote state configuration: Enter yes if remote state needs to be configured, else tfstate will be stored on local filesystem. Needs to be set as "yes" for Jenkins. | yes/no |
remote_state_bucket_name | Specify bucket name if you want to use existing bucket else leave empty.If left empty, Bucket with name ${customer_name}-automation-toolkit-bucket will be created/reused in ${region}. | demo_bucket |
use_oci_devops_git | OCI DevOps GIT configuration: Enter yes if generated terraform_files need to be stored in OCI DevOps GIT Repo else they will be stored on local filesystem. Will enforce 'yes' for use_remote_state in case this value is set to 'yes'. Needs to be set as "yes" for Jenkins. | yes/no |
oci_devops_git_repo_name | Specify Repo name if you want to use existing OCI Devops GIT Repository else leave empty Format: |
demo_repo |
oci_devops_git_user | User Details to perform GIT operations in OCI Devops GIT Repo. Mandatory when using $(auth_mechanism) as instance_principal or session_token. Format: <domainName>/<userName>@<tenancyName> When left empty, it will be fetched from $(user_ocid) for $(auth_mechanism) as api_key. Customer Secret Key will also be configured for this user for S3 credentials of the bucket when $(auth_mechanism) is instance_principal or session_token | oracleidentitycloudservice/ |
oci_devops_git_key | When left empty, same key file from $(key_path) used for $(auth_mechanism) as api_key will be copied to /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/ and used for GIT Operations. Make sure the api key file permissions are rw(600) for cd3user | /cd3user/tenancies/keys/oci_api_private.pem |
- Have the details ready for Authentication mechanism you are planning to use.
- Review outdir_structure_file parameter as per requirements. It is recommended to use separate outdir structure to manage a large number of resources.
- Review Advanced Parameters Section for CI/CD setup. The toolkit can be used either with CLI or with Jenkins. If you plan to use the toolkit with Jenkins then be ready with user details that will be used to connect to DevOps Repo in OCI. Specifying these parameters as 'yes' in properties file will create Object Storage Bucket and Devops Git Repo/Project/Topic in OCI and enable toolkit usage with Jenkins. The toolkit supports users in primary IDCS stripes or default domains only for DevOps GIT operations.
Step 4 - Initialise the environment:
Initialise your environment to use the Automation Toolkit.
- When running the CD3 container on a Linux VM host (without using the Resource Manager stack option), refer to point no. 7 under FAQ to avoid any permission issues.
- Running the above command immediately after adding API key to the user profile in OCI might result in Authentication Errors. In such cases, retry after a minute.
Example execution of the script with Advanced Parameters for CI/CD
Output files -
Files Generated | At File Path | Comment/Purpose |
---|---|---| | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/<customer_name> | Customer Specific properties | | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/<customer_name>_outdir_structure_file | Customer Specific properties file for outdir structure. This file will not be generated if 'outdir_structure_file' parameter was set to empty(single outdir)in while running |
Region based directories | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/terraform_files | Tenancy's subscribed regions based directories for the generation of terraform files. Each region directorywill contain individual directory for each service based on the parameter 'outdir_structure_file' |
Variables File,Provider File, Root and Sub terraform modules | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/terraform_files/<region> | Required for terraform to work. Variables file and Provider file willbe genrated based on authentication mechanism chosen. |
out file | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/createTenancyConfig.out | This file contains acopy of information displayed as the console output. |
OCI Config File | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/.config_files/<customer_name>_oci_config | Customer specific Config file for OCI API calls. This will havedata based on authentication mechanism chosen. |
Public and Private Key Pair | Copied from /cd3user/tenancies/keys/ to /cd3usertenancies/<customer_name>/.config_files | API Key for authentication mechanism as API_Key arecopied to customer specific out directory locations for easy access. |
GIT Config File | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/.config_files/<customer_name>_git_config | Customer specific GIT Config file for OCI Dev Ops GIT operations.This is generated only if use_oci_devops_git is set to yes |
S3 Credentials File | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/.config_files/<customer_name>_s3_credentials | This file contains access key and secret for S3 compatible OSbucket to manage remote terraform state. This is generated only if use_remote_state is set to yes |
Jenkins Home | /cd3user/tenancies/jenkins_home | This folder contains jenkins specific data. Single Jenkins instance can be setup for a single container. | | /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/.config_files/<customer_name> | The input properties file used to execute the script is copied to custome folder to retain for future reference. This can be used when the script needs tobe re-run with same parameters at later stage. |
The next pages will guide you to use the toolkit either via CLI or via Jenkins. You can continue with the instructions provided.