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Common Issues faced by Toolkit Users

1. I am getting 'Permission Denied' error while executing any commands inside the container.

When running the docker container from a Linux OS, if the outdir is on the root, a permission denied error may occur while executing steps like In such scenarios, please follow the steps given below -

Error Screenshot:


Please change:
- selinux mode from Enforcing to Permissive
- change the owner of folders in /cd3user/tenancies to that of cd3user. Please refer the screenshots below - image
- Alternately, please attach a data disk and map the container (/cd3user/tenancies) on a folder that is created on the data disk (your local folder).

2. I used Non-Greenfield workflow to export resources from OCI. I am not able to see all data into my excel sheet.
There could be multiple reasons for this:
- You have to specify all compartment names(comma separated) explicitly from where you want to export the data.
- There may be some duplicate resource names in OCI. Toolkit does not support creation/export of resources with same names.

3. I get below error while executing terraform pipelines using jenkins.

+ cd /cd3user/tenancies/jenkins_home/jobs/terraform_files/jobs/phoenix/jobs/network/jobs/terraform-apply/workspace/phoenix/network
+ terraform plan -out=tfplan.out
��� Error: error loading state: SignatureDoesNotMatch: The secret key required to complete authentication could not be found. The region must be specified if this is not the home region for the tenancy.
���     status code: 403, request id: phx-1:JaiPi4IgUOu0YWZE4-kb3TiLr4g7cQnpqvCT1A3Ca_SUn2cRai-yVrmE-osNZVYx, host id: 

This gets resolved on its own after sometime.