Using the Automation Toolkit with CLI
Check out the Must Read section for managing network, compute and oci firewall resources.
High Level Steps to use toolkit with CLI
Login to the CD3 Container.
Check out CD3 Toolkit Process for workflows supported by the toolkit and choose the workflow.
Use one of the templates from Excel Templates based on the workflow chosen.
Review file /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/<customer_name>
#Input variables required to run setUpOCI script
#path to output directory where terraform file will be generated. eg /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/terraform_files
#prefix for output terraform files eg <customer_name> like demotenancy
# auth mechanism for OCI APIs - api_key,instance_principal,session_token
#input config file for Python API communication with OCI eg /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>/.config_files/<customer_name>_config;
# Leave it blank if you want single outdir or specify containing directory structure for OCI services.
#path to cd3 excel eg /cd3user/tenancies/<customer_name>\CD3-Customer.xlsx
#specify create_resources to create new resources in OCI(greenfield workflow)
#specify export_resources to export resources from OCI(non-greenfield workflow)
Parameter Description
Variable | Description | Example |
outdir | Path to output directory where terraform files will be generated | /cd3user/tenancies//terraform_files |
prefix | Prefix for output terraform files | \ |
auth_mechanism | Authentication Mechanism for OCI APIs | api_key |
config_file | Python config file | /cd3user/tenancies//.config_files/_config |
outdir_structure_file | Parameter specifying single outdir or different for different services | Blank or |
cd3file | Path to the Excel input file | /cd3user/tenancies//testCD3. xlsx |
workflow_type | Create Resources in OCI or Export Resources from OCI | create_resources or export_resources |
Copy CD3 Excel File
- While using the container launched using RM Stack, local path /cd3user/mount_path on the VM is mapped to /cd3user/tenancies inside the container. So the file can be copied at /cd3user/mount_path/<customer_name> on the VM. Below is the sample command to copy the excel file from local system to container: Note that cd3user can be used to connect to the VM because same key is pushed for opc as well as cd3user.