auto.tfvars file for Service Connectors Module
These are the syntax and sample format for providing inputs to the modules via *.auto.tfvars files. "key" must be unique to every resource that is created.Comments proceed with ##.
1. service_connectors
- Syntax
service_connectors = {
## key - Is a unique value to reference the resources respectively
key = {
compartment_id = string
display_name = string
description = string
source_details = {
source_kind = string
source_log_group_names = list(string) # Required when source is logging
source_stream_name = map(string) # Required when source is streaming
target_details = {
target_kind = string
target_stream_name = map(string) # Required when target is streaming
target_log_source_identifier = string # Required when source is streaming and target is loggingAnalytics
target_topic_name = map(string) # Required when target is notifications
enable_formatted_messaging = bool # Optional when target is notifications.Default is `true`
target_bucket_name = string # Required when target is objectStorage
target_object_name_prefix = string # Optional when target is objectStorage
target_log_group_name = map(string) # Required when target is loggingAnalytics
defined_tags = optional(map(any))
freeform_tags = optional(map(any))
- Example
// Copyright (c) 2021, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ############################# # Management Services # Service Connectors - tfvars ############################# service_connectors= { # Service Connector Hub map # SCH-01 = { compartment_id = "Network" display_name = "SCH-01" description = "logging to stream" source_details = { source_kind = "logging" source_log_group_names = ["Security&network-vcn-logs"] } target_details = { target_kind = "streaming" target_stream_name = {"Security": "sch-tracing-logs"} } defined_tags = { "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn"= "2023-01-12T08:30:51.301Z" , "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy"= "oracleidentitycloudservice/" } freeform_tags = {} }, SCH-02 = { compartment_id = "Security" display_name = "SCH-02" description = "stream to loganalytics" source_details = { source_kind = "streaming" source_stream_name = {"Network": "demo-sch-testing"} } target_details = { target_kind = "loggingAnalytics" target_log_group_name = {"Security": "LogGroup_Demo"} target_log_source_identifier = "AVDF Alert in Oracle Database" } defined_tags = { "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn"= "2023-01-12T08:30:51.345Z" , "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy"= "oracleidentitycloudservice/" } freeform_tags = {} }, SCH-03 = { compartment_id = "Dev" display_name = "SCH-03" description = "logging to notification" source_details = { source_kind = "logging" source_log_group_names = ["Security&VCNFlowLogGroup"] } target_details = { target_kind = "notifications" target_topic_name = {"Network": "topic-testing"} enable_formatted_messaging = true } defined_tags = { "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn"= "2023-01-12T08:30:51.303Z" , "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy"= "oracleidentitycloudservice/" } freeform_tags = {} }, SCH-04 = { compartment_id = "Demo" display_name = "SCH-04" description = "logging to bucket" source_details = { source_kind = "logging" source_log_group_names = ["Security--comp_one&Audit", "Demo--new_comp_one--new_comp_two&Audit", "Demo&test-gs-01"] } target_details = { target_kind = "objectStorage" target_bucket_name = "bucket-logging" target_object_name_prefix = "complaince" } defined_tags = { "Oracle-Tags.CreatedOn"= "2023-01-12T08:30:51.328Z" , "Oracle-Tags.CreatedBy"= "oracleidentitycloudservice/" } freeform_tags = {} } ##Add New SCH for phoenix here## }